A Certified Service
Disabled Veteran
Owned Business

Reverse Logistics Services

Reverse Logistics

A general term that can relate to numerous applications ranging from Returnable Container Management (i.e., totes, racks, etc., being returned to suppliers for replenishment) to return goods from customers or consumers for credit, remanufacturing, resale, repackaging or salvage to name a few. Precise management of the return process for manufacturing should ensure that the supply chain is flowing and your returns management system for distribution is ensuring total customer satisfaction and asset recovery.



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© 2018 Imperium Logistics, LLC.
All rights reserved.

700 E. Big Beaver Road
Suite F
Troy, MI 48083

(248) 250-9410 Phone
(888) 764-0330 Fax



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Any use of titles, rank or pictures of Rocky Raczkowski in uniform do not represent an endorsement of the Department of the Army, or the Department of Defense.

A Certified Service Disabled
Veteran Owned Business